A commonly held belief about gender and porn is that women of all sexual identities can get aroused by individuals of all genders but guys just like to see content that lines up with their stated orientation. There is long held societal belief that gay men watch men having sex with men and straight men are only interested in seeing men and women having sex, girl-girl porn, threesomes with 2 women, but definitely not gay porn right? Wrong!
Your porn fascinations do not have to have a connection with your sexuality. Remember porn is entertainment, made to titillate, to entertain and to feed your imagination, to delve into the taboo, the illicit and the realm of the fantasy not reality.
When it comes to men’s sexuality, research suggests that men may not be completely truthful. To put it in more simple terms, male sexuality is even more complicated than we think. Some studies suggest that a fifth of straight men have watched or watch gay porn at some point.
Why do straight men watch gay porn?
So why would a straight man watch gay porn? There are lot of reasons, it could just be curiosity, concealed bisexuality, unidentified feelings, or even just wanting to see something different to break the monotony of your normal routine. There aren't concrete answers. There is also the element if interest. Men wanting to watch men, how they perform, what they look like. Some suggest that perhaps the performers in gay porn are more genuine, less fake and perhaps more assertive. That in itself is very arousing. Human beings are unique and complicated. Sexuality is much more fluid that we are led to believe. People fall on a spectrum, a scale of sexuality and that means we and our sexuality is made up of many different elements. The reason why one man may watch something is not necessarily the reason the next man watches it. There's a carnal, primitive nature about sexual contact between two human beings that any person can enjoy, whatever the sexuality of the people performing or watching.
But having said all of that you have to remember, porn is porn, it’s not meant to be analysed and watching something doesn’t make you anything. Much like watching a crime drama probably won’t make you become or want to become a criminal after watching a season of a crime drama on Netflix.
What turns people on?
We need to remind ourselves that sexuality isn't "black and white" / "on or off", it's more about shades of gray. A huge part of what turns people on is having fun with power and who has control during the act of sex. Sex is inherently about power because it involves an exchange between 2 or more individuals.
The essence of what we are saying is that watching something, being aroused by it, doesn’t necessarily mean anything. Your fantasies don’t define who you are and rarely move into reality. There could be many reasons why a straight man watches porn, but one thing is for sure, just because you watch it does not mean you have to freak out and question your sexuality. You are not in the minority. We are all curious about things we know nothing about. While we know it may take a long time for society to grow up a little and just let people be and not be so judgemental, it certainly isn’t something you should be ashamed of. It is up to the individual man and circumstance as whom you tell, but know you are not the only man watching a whole different variety of porn and as a straight man, gay porn is certainly not the most taboo. A porn movie with an all male cast ast does not make it gay porn!
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